Want to donate? Great! Here are the rules:
First, email us at wolfpackwardrobe@gmail.com labeling the subject as 'Donation'. We will organize a drop off time with you. This allows our staff to process donations the second they are given to us. You can also stop in during our open business hours to drop off donations.
*Please email us about sending donations through the mail.
Donation Guidelines:
No stained or ripped clothing (excluding garments wherein tears and distressing are a stylistic choice). Everything must be gently used.
No cut or modified clothing (example: t-shirts cut in half to be cropped).
No unclean, soiled, or unlaundered clothing.
No pajamas or undergarments.
No depictions of illegal/illicit substances or offensive words/phrases (i.e., crude jokes or language, slurs, etc.)
No depictions/endorsements of any political candidate, party, or slogan.